Most of us are cost-conscious. Most of us like to price shop, to ensure we are getting the best deal on a purchase. Most of us use the internet to compare prices for everything from televisions to shoes to diapers. When it comes to pet medications, however, the cheapest drugs found online may be counterfeit, […]
One of the most stressful parts of being a pet owner is making medical decisions. At NSVH, our goal is to help our clients work through this process by pointing them in the right direction, with the best options. Often times such decisions involve veterinary prescriptions; with the plethora of online pet pharmacies available we […]
Dogs are such wonderfully complex creatures. Like humans, we know that dogs can experience anxiety, fear, and joy. What dogs are not, however, are small people with exactly the same gamut of emotions, intentions and deliberations as their owners. Many of us inappropriately attribute complicated human emotions to our canine companions (called anthropomorphism), and this […]
February is National Pet Dental Health Month. Yay for oral hygiene! As I previously discussed, dental disease is the most prevalent illness in our domestic dogs and cats, but the good news is that it can be prevented more readily than many diseases we see. There are so many misconceptions about pet dental health, treatment […]
Hands down and far away, the most common illness we see in our patients is dental disease. I diagnose it multiple times per day in my patients. It is estimated that 80 percent of domestic dogs and 70 percent of cats develop gum disease by three years of age, and most do so silently. Our […]
Thank goodness for pet groomers! They are entirely more talented, patient, capable and artistic when it comes to clipping dog and cat fur than I could ever be. Many groomers astutely notice common medical conditions such as ear and skin infections and skin tumors; I frequently see appointments that are scheduled as a result of […]
If you’ve shared your home and your heart with cats and dogs over the years, inevitably you’ve been faced with making a decision about whether your beloved, infirm pet needs to be euthanized. Most veterinarians are strong advocates for euthanasia, in lieu of protracted suffering at home with a terminal illness. We are fortunate with […]
At Newtown Square Veterinary Hospital, most of our clients are religiously compliant with administering heartworm and flea/tick preventatives to Fido year-round. We are big advocates for preventative care, and parasite prevention plays a large role in keeping Fido healthy.Occasionally, I hear from clients that they only use parasite preventatives seasonally, in the warmer months. There […]
While I’m on vacation with family this week, my pets are safe at home with a trusted petsitter. It’s just not possible to bring all three of them when we travel. Many pet owners are lucky enough, however, to travel with their pets, whether by plane or car. Small dogs and cats can be brought […]
It’s that time of year…thunder rattling the windows at night, lightening illuminating the bedroom walls, torrential rain beating upon the roof, Fourth of July fireworks…and a dog, panting and trembling next to the bed as the storm rages outside. Thunderstorm and fireworks phobias are very common, particularly as dogs age. This type of anxiety can […]
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